Attorneys That Fight Tickets From an Accident

They Write It - We Fight It!
Ticket From Accident Con ImgCitations You Can Get From an Accident

Traffic tickets from a motor vehicle accident can include:

Tickets can be issued to both the driver alleged to have caused the accident and the other party involved in the accident. For example, the driver who caused the accident can receive a citation for failure to control speed. In contrast, the other driver can receive a citation for not having insurance (failure to maintain financial responsibility).

Why You Should Never “Just Pay” A Ticket From an Accident

When you pay a traffic ticket, the court will enter a conviction that will appear on your driving record. If you are cited for having caused the accident, the conviction can be used against you in a civil proceeding to recover damages such as property damage or personal injuries. This can be VERY detrimetal to the civil case should you be sure over the accident.

If you were not cited for having caused the accident but instead received a citation for no insurance or for not having a valid driver’s license, these citations have “hidden costs” that can result from a conviction. For example, both can lead to a license suspension and reinstatement fees, subsequent fines can be enhanced and you may have to keep a special type of insurance for three years to keep your license.

How an Attorney Can Help

As you can see from the “hidden costs,” tickets issued as the result of an accident can become VERY expensive. The experienced traffic ticket attorneys at Hawkins & Walker, PC, have handled thousands of tickets, and we have solutions to either get these tickets dismissed outright or reduce or eliminate the issues addressed above.

If we cannot get the ticket dismissed, we can usually get a deferred disposition (probation) offer that will keep the ticket off of our record (this is not always available to CDL holders). In most cases, the prosecutor will lower fines and waive probation fees when we negotiate on tickets. This means we can usually save you money on your ticket, and in most cases, we can handle the speeding ticket without you having to come to court. If you were issued multiple tickets, in many cases, we can get one or more of your tickets dismissed outright as part of a plea bargain.

We have helped thousands of clients with traffic tickets. We are here to help guide you through the process and answer any questions you have so you can make an informed decision and obtain the best results. In most cases, we can appear on your behalf so you will not need to appear in court. Of course, if you do need to appear in court, one of our experienced traffic ticket attorneys will be with you, so you do not have to face the court alone. We will be there every step of the way.

Accident Citation Knowledge Center

When you are involved in an accident and an officer is called to investigate, the officer will often issue citations to the driver who did not cause the accident if the driver was driving without a valid license or proper insurance. The fact that you did not cause the accident does not invalidate the citation(s).

In a similar issue, if you are cited for having caused an accident and the other driver is cited for not having a valid license, the fact that the other driver was not properly licensed or did not have insurance will not necessarily invalidate your citation.

Failure to Control Speed is a common citation issued to a driver that an officer believes caused a motor vehicle accident. The offense requires proof that you failed to control your speed to avoid colliding with another person or vehicle that is on the roadway. The State does not have to prove that you were speeding at the time of the accident, just that you were traveling at a rate of speed that was stop great to avoid the collision.

In many cases there are defenses to to a failure to control speed citation that can be used to either get the citation dismissed or reduced. If we cannot get the citation dismissed, we can enter a plea in such a way that it does not affect any potential civil case that may be filed as a result of the accident.

This citation is often issued to the second or following vehicle in a rear-end collision. The law provides that you have to maintain an assured clear distance between a vehicle you are following so that, considering the speed of the vehicles, traffic, and the conditions of the road, you can safely stop without colliding with the vehicle in front of you or veering into another vehicle, object, or person on or near the highway.

This citation can also be issued if there was no accident if the officer believes you are too close to the vehicle in front of you. This is often called “tailgating.”

Right of way is the legal term for the vehicle or pedestrian that has the right to proceed before another vehicle into or through a particular part of the roadway.

Failure to yield right of way tickets are usually issued as the result of an accident at an intersection controlled by a stop sign red light, blinking yellow light, a yield sign. In some cases, there may be a dispute as to who had the right of way. For example, there may be a disagreement over who had the green light at an intersection. A failure to yield right of way ticket can also be issued for failing to yield to vehicles exiting a freeway or expressway, vehicles in a round-a-bout, or to pedestrians in a crosswalk.

Unlike most traffic tickets that have a fine range of $1 to $200, a fine for a failure to yield right of way citation where the other driver received bodily injury can range from $500 to $2,000. If the other driver receives serious bodily injury, the fine range can range from $1,000 to $4,000.

You can receive a failure to yield right of way ticket even if there was no accident. This will occur if the officer believes you failed to yield when you had an obligation to do so even though no accident occurred.

Texas law requires that you stop after an accident, determine if anyone is injured and provide assistance, and exchange your name, address, insurance information and a copy of your license if requested.

This applies regardless of who caused the accident.

Get Started Now

Schedule a Free, Confidential Case Evaluation with one of our award-winning traffic ticket attorneys.

If you are charged with a traffic citation in Fort Worth, Arlington, Dallas, or one of the surrounding cities, a traffic ticket attorney at Hawkins & Walker is ready to help you with legal advice and representation.

Call 817.877.3355 or click the contact button below to start fighting your ticket now.


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