Non-Traffic Violations

They Write It - We Fight It!
Non Traffic Violation Con ImgWhy You Have to Take a Class C Violation Seriously

Unlike a Class A or Class B misdemeanor, Class C violations are fine only offenses. This means you cannot be jailed as punishment. However, just because you are not facing a jail sentence does not mean these cases should be taken lightly. These minor infractions can play a major role in your future if not handled properly.

A conviction on a Class C violation can leave you with a criminal record that may prevent you from obtaining or keeping your job, housing, or loans, not to mention harm to your reputation. A conviction on a Class C misdemeanor can also be used to enhance future criminal offenses meaning relatively minor matters can become very serious. You can also lose the right to own or be in possession of guns or ammunition.

Why You Should Hire an Experienced Attorney

If you pay the ticket for your Class C violation, you are admitting to the Court that you are guilty of the allegation, and the offense will be recorded as a conviction on your record. If you elect to fight the violation on your own, you will be working against an experienced prosecutor and court system that does not care about you or your future. If you plead guilty (or no contest) or you are found guilty, YOU CANNOT GET THE VIOLATION REMOVED FROM YOUR RECORD LATER. You have just one chance to do something to keep the ticket off of your record.

While we cannot guarantee that we can keep every violation off of your record, we have a high rate of success in getting these violations either dismissed outright or dismissed after completion of deferred disposition (probation). If we need to negotiate a plea deal, we can often work with the prosecutor to lower your fine, waive probation fees, and/or get a shorter probation period. We also make sure the paperwork and procedure are properly handled to give you the best chance of keeping your record clean. In addition, the entire process can usually be handled without having to come to our office or appear in Court, saving you both time and frustration. Finally, if we cannot get an offer to keep the violation off of your record, you have an attorney on your side that is ready to fight to keep your record clean.

Violations that are dismissed, either outright or after probation, are eligible for an expunction to make sure the violation does not affect you in the future. An expunction will prevent the violation, or related items like a police report or mugshot, from appearing in a background check and will allow you to deny that you were charged when completing applications for jobs, housing, schools, or loans. Click here for more information on expunction.

When you consider the potential financial harm and damage to your reputation, you owe it to your family and your future to contact the criminal defense attorneys at Hawkins & Walker, PC.


Don’t let a Class C misdemeanor ruin your future. The State has made an allegation against you that can have dire consequences if not handled properly. The good news is our experienced criminal defense attorneys have handled hundreds of non-traffic violations in municipal courts and justice of the peace courts in Tarrant, Dallas, Denton, Wise, and Johnson counties. We are here to answer your questions and fight to help keep your record clean.

Get Started Now

Schedule a Free, Confidential Case Evaluation with one of our award-winning criminal defense attorneys. 

If you have received a Class C misdemeanor in Fort Worth, Arlington, Dallas or one of the surrounding cities, an experienced criminal defense attorney at Hawkins & Walker, PC is ready to help you fight to keep your record clean.

Call 817.877.3355 or click the contact button below to start fighting your Class C misdemeanor now.


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