Arlington Municipal Court

You can search for and check the status of your Arlington Municipal Court ticket(s) here (

If you need help with your ticket(s), please call us at 817/877-3355 or complete this form for assistance.

PLEASE NOTE: if you did not retain Hawkins & Walker, PC for representation on your ticket(s), we do not advise payment online here. Payment may result in a conviction which can cause a suspension of your driver’s license and increased insurance rates. If you need help with your ticket(s), please call us at 817/877-3355 or complete this form for assistance.

Pay Online

You can pay your Arlington Municipal Court ticket(s) online here ( Please use the information provided in the disposition letter we sent you. A processing fee will apply.

Pay by Telephone

You can pay 24/7 by calling 1-888-604-7888. Payment may be made by Master Card, Discover, American Express, or Visa. Both credit and debit cards are accepted. Payments made by phone will be processed by the court within 72 hours of receiving notification. A processing fee will apply.

When calling to pay your citation over the phone you will be required to provide the following information:
> Pay location code 1120;
> Citation Number and offense (provided on the disposition letter we sent you)

Pay by Mail

Payment can be a check, cashier’s check, or money order made payable to “Arlington Municipal Court.” The payment should be mailed to:

City of Arlington Municipal Court
Mail Stop 63-0100
P.O. Box 90403
Arlington, Texas 76004-3403

Include your name and citation number (provided on the disposition letter we sent you). Make sure you mail the payment in advance of the payment due date. The payment needs to arrive by the payment due date.

Pay in Person

You can pay in person by cash, check, money order, or card. The court is located at:

City of Arlington Municipal Court
101 S. Mesquite St., First Floor
Arlington, Texas 76010

Fort Worth Municipal Court

You can search for and check the status of your Fort Worth Municipal Court ticket(s) here (;jsessionid=5286E0A1FA903ECFDBD413DA238A6D37?x=pwLnJy8UdVH3SDnRd65Kaw).

If you need help with your ticket(s), please call us at 817/877-3355 or complete this form for assistance.

PLEASE NOTE: if you did not retain Hawkins & Walker, PC for representation on your ticket(s), we do not advise payment online here. Payment may result in a conviction which can cause a suspension of your driver’s license and increased insurance rates. If you need help with your ticket(s), please call us at 817/877-3355 or complete this form for assistance.

Pay Online

You can pay your Fort Worth Municipal Court ticket(s) online here ( A processing fee will apply.

Please use the information provided in the disposition letter we sent you. Use “case number” instead of citation number. If your last name does not work, use your date of birth. Fort Worth sometimes misspells names.

Pay by Telephone

You can pay your Fort Worth Municipal Court ticket(s) by calling 682-999-3681. A processing fee will apply.

When calling to pay your citation over the phone you will be required to provide the following information:
> Citation Number and offense (provided on the disposition letter we sent you)

Pay by Mail

Payment can be a check, cashier’s check, or money order made payable to “Fort Worth Municipal Court.” The payment should be mailed to:

Fort Worth Municipal Court
1000 Throckmorton St.
Fort Worth, TX 76102-6382

Include your name and citation number (provided on the disposition letter we sent you). Make sure you mail the payment in advance of the payment due date. The payment needs to arrive by the payment due date.

Pay in Person

You can pay in person by cash, check, money order, or card. The court is located at:

Fort Worth Municipal Court
1000 Throckmorton St.
Fort Worth, TX 76102-6382

North Richland Hills Municipal Court

You can search for and check the status of your North Richland Hills Municipal Court ticket(s) here (

If you need help with your ticket(s), please call us at 817/877-3355 or complete this form for assistance.

PLEASE NOTE: if you did not retain Hawkins & Walker, PC for representation on your ticket(s), we do not advise payment online here. Payment may result in a conviction which can cause a suspension of your driver’s license and increased insurance rates. If you need help with your ticket(s), please call us at 817/877-3355 or complete this form for assistance.

Pay Online

You can pay your Fort Worth Municipal Court ticket(s) online here ( A processing fee will apply.

Please use the information provided in the disposition letter we sent you. Use “case number” instead of citation number. If your last name does not work, use your date of birth. Fort Worth sometimes misspells names.

Pay by Telephone

You can pay your Fort Worth Municipal Court ticket(s) by calling 682-999-3681. A processing fee will apply.

When calling to pay your citation over the phone you will be required to provide the following information:
> Citation Number and offense (provided on the disposition letter we sent you)

Pay by Mail

Payment can be a check, cashier’s check, or money order made payable to “Fort Worth Municipal Court.” The payment should be mailed to:

Fort Worth Municipal Court
1000 Throckmorton St.
Fort Worth, TX 76102-6382

Include your name and citation number (provided on the disposition letter we sent you). Make sure you mail the payment in advance of the payment due date. The payment needs to arrive by the payment due date.

Pay in Person

You can pay in person by cash, check, money order, or card. The court is located at:

Fort Worth Municipal Court
1000 Throckmorton St.
Fort Worth, TX 76102-6382

Submit your case

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