Wrongful Death

Wrongful Death Con Img If you have found this page, it is likely because you have recently lost a loved one. First and foremost, we are very sorry for your loss. There are few things more tragic in life than losing someone you love. It can be especially tormenting if you know it only happened due to the negligence of another person or institution.

Wrongful death is a death that is caused by the negligence or misconduct of an individual or company and is usually the result of motor vehicle accidents, 18-Wheeler accidents, defective products, workplace accidents, slip and fall injuries, or other potentially life-altering injuries. The lawyers at Hawkins & Walker, PC, appreciate the pain felt by survivors and offer compassionate representation.

Typical compensation from a Texas wrongful death claim includes expenses incurred by the death of the victim (funeral, medical, etc.); loss of future earnings anticipated over the lifetime of the victim; benefits lost due to the victim’s death (medical insurance, pension, 401K, etc.); survivors pain, suffering, and mental anguish caused by the victim’s death; companionship, care or protection lost to the survivors as a result of the death; and general and punitive damages. Our knowledgeable and experienced wrongful death attorneys can help you through this difficult time.

Wrongful death claims can become complex and it is important to contact lawyers experienced in wrongful death claims as soon as possible. Our lawyers act quickly to preserve evidence after a wrongful death including contacting witnesses, collecting necessary reports and visiting the scene of the incident for optimal results. We also work with accidents, including accident reconstructionist to show liability and forensic economists to prove economic damages.

Money cannot bring your loved one back, but it can help you get through this difficult time financially. There are often bills that need to be paid and survivors that need to be taken care of. Let us assist your family by representing your interests against the negligent individuals or companies and their insurance companies to recover damages for your loss. When your family has experienced a wrongful death, you need lawyers who can aggressively and effectively advocate for you to get fair compensation for your lost.

The personal injury attorneys at Hawkins & Walker, PC, handle cases involving wrongful death in Fort Worth, Dallas and throughout Texas pursuing claims against negligent individuals and companies. If you have questions concerning a wrongful death, contact us to discuss your options.


Hawkins & Walker, PC, handles all personal injury claims on a contingency basis. This means we advance filing fees and litigation expenses for your case and we are only reimbursed for expenses at the end of your case. No fees or litigation expenses are charged to our clients unless we win your case. If no recovery is obtained, you are not charged anything for the services provided by our office.

If you have serious injuries from a personal injury, our Dallas – Fort Worth area personal injury lawyers can help you put your life back together while seeking justice from those that harmed you. We are committed to pursuing justice on behalf of all our clients, no matter how difficult or complex the case may be.

Call 817.877.3355 or click the contact button below to schedule an appointment with a personal injury attorney today.


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